Formally refereed journal articles
Martin-Ordas, G., Atencia, R. & Fernandez, S. (2020). Forgetting in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): what is the role of interference. PlosOne, 15, e0234004.
Martin-Ordas, G. (2020). It’s about time: conceptual and experimental evaluation of the temporal skills for Mental Time Travel. WIREs Cognitive Science, 11, e1530.
Martin-Ordas, G. (2020). What human planning can tell us about animal planning: an empirical case. Frontiers of Comparative Psychology, 11, 635.
Martin-Ordas, G. & Atance, C.M. (2019).Adults’ episodic-like memory in a depletion paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition, 9: 2688.
Martin-Ordas, G. (2017).“Will I want these stickers tomorrow?” Preschoolers’ abilities to think about current and future needs. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 35, 568-581.
Martin-Ordas, G. (2018).“First I will get the marbles” Children’s future thinking abilities in a two-step spoon task.Cognitive Development, 45 152-161.
Martin-Ordas G., Atance, C.M.& Caza, J. (2017). Did the popsicle melt? Children’s performance in an episodic-like memory task. Memory, 25, 1260-1271.
Martin-Ordas, G. & Smulders T. (2015). A commentary on “Merging of Long-Term Memories in an Insect”. Frontiers in Psychology. Comparative Psychology. 6:826
Jacobs, I., von Bayern, A., Martin-Ordas, G., Rat-Fischer, L. & Osvath, M (2015). Corvids create novel causal interventions after all. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Atance, C.M. Metcalf, J.L., Martin-Ordas, G. & Walker, C.L. (2014). Young Children’s Causal Explanations are biased by Post-Action Associative Information. Developmental Psychology, 50: 2675-2685.
Osvath, M. & Martin-Ordas, G. (2014). The future of future oriented cognition in non-humans: theory and the empirical case of the great apes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 69: 20130486.
Martin-Ordas, G., Atance, C.M., & Caza, J. (2014). How do episodic memory and semantic memory contribute to episodic foresight in young children? Frontiers in Cognitive Psychology Research, 08 July 2014 | doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00732
Martin-Ordas, G., Atance, C.M. & Call J. (2014). Remembering in a tool-use task in children and great apes: the role of the information at encoding. Memory, 22, 129-144
Martin-Ordas, G., Berntsen, D. & Call J. (2013). Memory for distant past events in chimpanzees and orangutans. Current Biology, Volume 23, Issue 15, 1438-1441.
Martin-Ordas G, Schumacher L, Call J (2012). Sequential Tool Use in Great Apes. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52074. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052074
Martin-Ordas, G, Jaeck, F & Call J. (2012). Barriers and traps: great apes’ performance in two functionally equivalent tasks. Animal Cognition, 15: 1007-13.
Martin-Ordas, G, Atance, C & Louw, A. (2012). The role of episodic and semantic memory in episodic foresight. Learning and Motivation, 43: 209-219.
Martin-Ordas, G. & Call J. (2011). Memory processing in great apes: the effect of time and sleep. Biology Letters. 7(6):829-32.
Davies, J., Atance, C. & Martin-Ordas, G. (2011). A Framework and Open Questions on Imagination in Adults and Children. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 31, 143-157.
Martin-Ordas, G., Haun, D., Colmenares, F. & Call, J. (2010). Keeping track of time: evidence of episodic-like memory in great apes. Animal Cognition. 13, 331-340.
Loredo-Narciandi, JC & Martin-Ordas, G. (2009). La historia como maestra para la investigación en imitación animal. Revista de Historia de la Psicologia, 30, 187-194.
Martin-Ordas, G. & Call J. (2009). Assessing transfer knowledge across tasks. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 22-43-60.
Martin-Ordas, G., Call, J., & Colmenares, F. (2008). Tubes, tables and traps: great apes solve two functionally-equivalent trap tasks but show no evidence of transfer across tasks. Animal Cognition, 11,423–430.
Book chapters
Martin-Ordas, G. (to appear in 2021).Episodic memory in non-human animals. Primate Cognitive Studies, Edited by M. Beran & B.L. Schwartz. Cambridge University Press.
Martin-Ordas, G. (2019).Memory recollection in non-human animals. Cambridge Handbook of Animal Cognition, Edited by A. Kaufman, J. Call & J. Kaufman.
Martin-Ordas, G.(2016). Sequential tool use. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, edited by Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford.
Martin-Ordas, G.(2016). The role of experience in tool use. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, edited by Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford.
Martin-Ordas, G.(2016). Confounding use of tools in physical tasks. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, edited by Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford.
Martin-Ordas, G. (2016). With the future in mind: towards a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of future thinking. (Klein, S., Szpunar, K. & Kourken, K. eds). Oxford University Press.
Atance, C. & Martin-Ordas, G. (2013). Projecting the Self into the Future. In The Handbook on the Development of Children’s memories (R. Fivush & P. Bauer eds.) Wiley-Blackwell.
Martin-Ordas, G. & Call, J. (2012). Luces y sombras en el pensamiento de Darwin en relacion a la evolucion cognitiva de las especies. Eds. M. Papini & G. Gutierrez. National University Press, Bogota, Colombia.