The Child Development Lab is recruiting people at all levels of experience to join the lab. Please see the home page and our studies page for information about the types of current projects we have going in the lab.
Undergraduate Students
The Child Development Lab is always looking for interested and motivated undergraduates to join the team. We expect our undergraduates to be involved in all aspects of our research, and this includes opportunities to create stimuli, videos for online testing, recruit new families, test infant participants in the kindergarten and/or in schools, analyse data, and even help formulate new research questions. Research assistants can volunteer to work in the lab. Working in a developmental lab requires an important amount of training, and as such time commitment is needed (e.g., 3 to 4 months). Hopefully you will want to work even longer, and start your own independent project! If you are interested in joining, please fill out this form. We will let you know when a position is available.
Graduate Students
If you are interested in pursuing a PhD at the University of Stirling, the Child Development Lab is always interested in accepting new students. Please visit the University webpage to learn more about funding opportunities and the application process. You can also contact Dr. Gema Martin-Ordas ( to discuss your interests further .